Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Booth, Ripped Black tights, Pink lips, Panera.

So lovely as it is, im sitting in Panera. I've been reading alot on this London College of Fashion and it's exciting me. I plan on rushing to get the new Nylon in about a half hour at Barnes and Noble but until then I feel like blogging since I haven't in about a month. To much has happened, to many good times, insane laughs, and dares you couldn't imagine but, i'll talk about alot alot alot probably having to save this and then transfer to blogger because were leaving soon. I stood in line for almost a full half hour to get mine and Kris's food. Everyone in here is completely dead because I feel like were the only ones cracking up, ahahah oh well. I really like this pink lipstick thing I have going on right now. 
Anyways, within the time period of these couple weeks I have: Eaten sushi 9 times, Went with Kris to PA to find weird things, Been on 3 Towson adventures, Played Tag with mostly Zach and Toby considering no one else moved off the 'base', Got yelled at bysome old man telling me not to be so dumb as I stick more then half my body out of the sunroof, Seen Hoopers ass more then once, went on a vintage hunt and found really cute clothes, Not eaten as much as I usually do because I've been so occupied, Told a place it was Scott's birthday when it wasn't and he had no idea, Went around with Kristen and Michael alot, driven cars I'm not suppose to, been undaaa the influence more then enough, stayed up for a 24 hour period, drank so many French Vanilla Iced Lattes I couldn't even tell you the number, and did play roles with Lex while she was here yesterday. 
As of now, I just got home and I was dared to dance in the middle of the street with tons of cars to Shakira Whenever, Wherever. I laughed the whole way through, but I had quite the whistlaaa's. The car ride just now was just hilarious. Ps, I don't know if people know this or not but me and Kris always dare each other crazy thinnngthings so it's turned into a game, we never back down. My next dare is to get one piercing I have wanted in the past and I am of course doing it but, so is she, ahaha. I lately hate school but when i have everyone with me cracking me up, it's not so bad as long as i have my macbook, you guys, and my phone I'm more then good.
Demi hasn't left us alone with her picture takinnng obsession but I'm in love with the side piece she drew ! Thats exactly where i want my real tattoo only maybe some sorta saying closer to on my ribs. Ohoh, i made a twitter? ahaha. It's /AnnaAndy. Im sure i left so much out just now, ahhah. I'm finding life to be so wonderful all the time and I'm just waiting for the weekend. Please come now now now.


  1. I can honestly say you summed up the past two weeks good job Farnie

  2. Did you honestly think you ever make sense the only thing I got out of that is the Lexus part because yes im getting th epretty white lexus
